June gigs, pics from the Astoria

June gigs, pics from the Astoria

Posted: June 1, 2015

Happy June, everyone! Boy, 2015 has flown by, hasn’t it? We continue to keep busy with two gigs in June:

  • On Sunday, June 21, we’ll be playing Main Street Car Free Festival, in front of Red Cat Records, 4332 Main St., near East 28th Ave. We’re stoked to be a part of this year’s event and will be playing at 2 pm sharp.
  • On Friday, June 26, we’re back at the Railway Club on a night featuring the Vancouver debuts of two bands, the atmospheric, modern synth pop of the Jamies from Calgary and the new wave punky sounds of Bubble11 (featuring current and former members of BUM, Sunday Morning, SWANK and Family Plot), as well as the reunion of the Flairs. The gig is brought to you by the fine folks at IMU Productions. Click on the Facebook event page here.

We had an enjoyable time at our first gig ever at the Astoria on May 20th. Here are some pics taken by the formidable @lildrammerboy.

China Syndrome @ The Astoria, May 20/15

Mike @ The Astoria, May 20/15

Vern @ The Astoria, May 20/15

Kevin @ The Astoria, May 20/15

Tim @ The Astoria, May 20/15


Vern and Tim @ The Astoria, May 20/15